WPC National Assembly 2024

Global Mission and the Local Church

Westminster Presbyterian Church invites you to our 2024 National Assembly Conference, where we will explore the central role the local church plays in the Global Mission of taking the Gospel to all the Nations.

When: 7th September 2024 | 9:00am – 3:00pm
Where: Maida Vale Westminster Presbyterian Church
105 Watsonia Road, Maida Vale WA 6076
Speakers: Mike Webb and Tom Richards

Registrations close 17th of August 2024
Register Now: https://forms.gle/7go2qxSZrjnjegHe8

Tom and his family lived in Vanuatu for nine years, where he taught at two Bible colleges, served as the Mission Director of Southern Islands Presbytery, and planted a church. Currently based in Australia, Tom remains actively involved in supporting theological education in Vanuatu through serving as a curriculum developer and adjunct lecturer at Talua Theological Training Institute. In Perth, he is an adjunct lecturer at Trinity Theological College and enjoys gardening, photography, folk music, and reading fiction.

Mike, married to Fiona with four children aged 14-23, served with Pioneers in SE Asia for 14 years. He led church-planting among Muslims and later mobilised missions across SE Asia. Returning to Australia in 2019, Mike lectures part-time at Trinity Theological College and serves on World Team’s Australian board. Recently rejoining Pioneers, he trains missionaries globally. Mike began as a music teacher, then pursued theology in Sydney and completed a PhD in Intercultural Studies at Biola University. He enjoys family time off-grid, kitesurfing, reading, and beach outings.

We hope that you can join us and be encouraged and challenged.